The course will introduce regression analysis and cover some of the most recent econometric techniques central to modern econometric practice. Successful students will gain a deeper understanding of the material discussed in other Distance Learning Program courses.
At the end of this course students will understand basic econometric concepts, basic estimation methods, and methods for testing statistical hypotheses. They will be able to apply standard methods of constructing econometric models, process statistical information, obtain statistically
sound conclusions, and give meaningful interpretation to the results of the estimated econometric models. In addition, students will gain real data processing skills, using econometric packages for building and estimating econometric models in R.

Classes will start on January 23rd and will last until February 24th, 2023.
For successful participants of the program, the possibility of recognition of 2 ECTS credits!
Take a look at the program of the course.
To take part at this course please fill in the electronic application by January 10th, 2023 by 12:00 h (noon).
For all additional information contact us at or call +385 21 430 706.