Journal of Contemporary Management Issues (print ISSN 1331-0194)
Electronic version of the Journal, published by Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Split, Croatia (e-ISSN 1846-3363)
Quick access to relevant information: Editorial board - Aims and scope
Instructions for authors - Instructions for reviewers
Open access publishing/license - Abstracting and indexing
In memory of our late Editor-in-Chief
Contact information - SUBMISSIONS
As of 2018, Editorial board of the journal consists of the following researchers:
1. Željana Aljinović Barač, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 2. Maja Arslanagić, Univerzitet u Sarajevu (BA) 3. Jovo Ateljević, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci (BA) 4. Fawaz Baddar, IESEG Ecole de commerce (FR) 5. Danica Bakotić, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 6. Biljana Crnjak Karanović, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 7. Tomaž Čater, Univerza v Ljubljani (SI) 8. Maja Čukušić, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 9. Matilda Dorotić, BI Handelshoyskolen (NO) 10. Milena Dragičević Šešić, Univerzitet umetnosti (RS) 11. Veselin Drašković, Univerzitet Crne Gore (CG) 12. Jozef Dziechciarz, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu (PL) 13. Renata Franc, Institut Ivo Pilar (HR) 14. Robert M. Grant, Universita' Bocconi (IT) 15. Philipp Hallinger, Mahidol University (TH) 16. Alma Harris, University of Bath (UK) 17. Iraj Hashi, Staffordshire University (UK) 18. Tomislav Hernaus, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (HR) 19. Michael Hughes, University of Aberdeen (UK) 20. Marija Kaštelan Mrak, Sveučilište u Rijeci (HR) 21. Thomas Lange, Middlesex University (UK) 22. Josef Langer, Alpen Adria Universitat Klagenfurt (AT) 23. Branka Marasović, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 24. Brano Markić, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru (BA) 25. Dario Miočević, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 26. Robert E. Morgan, Cardiff University (UK) 27. Dennis P. Nickson, University of Strathclyde (UK) 28. Vedran Omanović, Göteborgs Universitet (SE) 29. Jurica Pavičić, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (HR) 30. Primož Pevcin, Univerza v Ljuljani (SI) 31. Sanja Pfeifer, Sveučilište u Osijeku (HR) 32. Vojko Potočan, Univerza v Mariboru (SI) 33. Dražen Prelec, MIT (US) 34. Paulette Robic, Universite de Nantes (FR) 35. Isabel Rodriguez, University of Surrey (UK) 36. Amit Sharma, Penn State University (US) 37. Slavica Singer, Sveučilište u Osijeku (HR) 38. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, Wrocław University of Economics (PL) 39. Nebojša Stojčić, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku (HR) 40. Miha Škerlavaj, BI Handelshoyskolen (NO) 41. Vlatka Škokić, Sveučilište u Splitu (HR) 42. Milica Uvalic, Universita degli Studi di Peruggia (IT) 43. Ivona Vrdoljak Raguž, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku (HR) 44. Srđan Zdravković, Bryant University (US) 45. Nada Zupan, Univerza v Ljubljani (SI) 46. Lajoš Žager, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (HR)
Management – Journal of Contemporary Management Issues (MJCMI) is an international academic journal, whose primary aim is to disseminate relevant scientific knowledge and information in business and multidisciplinary research, relevant to the theory and practice of managing contemporary business, non-profit, and public organizations. We are committed to anonymous peer review and open access. We seek to encourage scientific dialogue among research communities of Central-East and South-East Europe with those from the developed market societies, as well as emerging economies from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. We strive to publish high-quality business-related research, that promotes the development and competitiveness of individuals, organizations, and societies.
MJCMI welcomes research that addresses the theory and practice of organizational functioning, but also accepts studies on general business topics, with significant managerial implications. We especially focus on the geographical areas of Central-East and South-East Europe, as well as the emerging markets and market societies, regardless of their geographic location. Theoretical contributions, which are especially encouraged include: a) issues of organizational and socio-economic change, transition, and transformation in the for-profit, non-profit, and public sector contexts, b) organizational and macroeconomic interactions between the emerging and developed market economies and societies, with significant implications for managerial practices, c) contributions to the theory and practice of organizational functioning in emerging markets and societies, with a focus on sectors, contributing to their overall socio-economic development, such as education, healthcare, social care, and others, d) socio-economic trends, relevant to organizational functioning and management practices in emerging markets and societies, including migration, environmental and sustainability issues, response to natural, social, and economic crises, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and others. Other relevant topics are also welcome, depending on the assessment of the editorial team. We particularly encourage multi-disciplinary research and welcome contributions from the fields of anthropology, psychology, sociology, education, and others that fit the scope of the journal.
INSTRUCTIONS for authors are available here, and instructions for reviewers here.
Management - Journal of Contemporary Management Issues has voluntarily adopted the ethical and plagiarism guidelines, as recommended by the International standards for editors and authors, adopted at the Second World Conference on Research Integrity, held in Singapore (2010).
The adopted international standards can be consulted here: Standards for editorial work - Standards expected from our authors
As a service to academic community, Management - Journal of Contemporary Management Issues maintains its open-access repository at this Web site (http://www.efst.hr/management/). All issues of the Journal since 1998 are available for free - hosted by Faculty of Economics - University of Split, Croatia.
Full text of Management is also available through HRČAK - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia.
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This journal is indexed and abstracted by Elsevier Scopus, Clarivate Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index/Core Web of Science, American Economic Association EconLit, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).
We evaluate received research on the basis of methodological and scientific rigour, compliance with ethical standards and high quality of work. This editorial office supports San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and does not emphasize, or promote the journal-level quantitative bibliometric indicators.
This journal is included into EBSCO Publishing bibliographic and research databases, as well as products and services provided by ProQuest LLC. Management is indexed and abstracted by ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences - IBSS and by ProQuest ABI/INFORM.
National recognition of this journal includes:
This journal is recognized as a 'Level 1' journal by the The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, according to the Norwegian Scientific Index (Norsk vitenskapsindeks) criteria.
This journal is recognized as relevant for acedmic promotion in the Republic of Poland, included into the Index Copernicus Journal Master List and indexed by Index Copernicus.
This journal is featured by COBISS.si - Co-Operative Online Bibliographic System & Services and recognized as relevant for academic promotion in the Republic of Slovenia: see evaluation by the Slovenian Research Agency, available here and here.
Please, let us know, if you have additional information about the national scientific recognition for this journal, or would like to suggest a relevant national evaluation framework/database.
Archives: 5 years worth of previous Issues
We remember and honor our founder and late Editor-in-Chief Marin Buble.
A special issue of Management-Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, entitled The life and work of Professor Emeritus Marin Buble, (Vol. 20) has been published, as to provide a lasting memory of Professor Marin Buble.
Two chapters on the late Professor Marin Buble (in Croatian only), by Prof. Pere Sikavica and Prof. Zelimir Dulcic, have been published in the Book of Proceedings of the 5th South-east European (SEE) meeting & scientific conference of management departments – Entrepreneurial Society: Current Trends and Future Prospects in Entrepreneurship, Organization and Management
University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism Nikša Alfirević - Editor in Chief Cvite Fiskovica 5, 21000 Split, Croatia, T: +385 21 430 601, +385 21 430 657, F: +385 21 430 701 E-issue available at: hrcak.srce.hr/management www.efst.unist.hr/management E-mail: nalf@efst.hr
As of March 1, 2022, all submissions are to be made via the Open Journal Systems (OJS), located at the following link.
This Journal is published in two issues a year.
Publishing of the Journal is generously supported by financial assistance from University of Split.
We do NOT charge any author fees and strictly apply the double-blind peer review process.